🎓 ConGRADulations, Brent Mitchell! 🎓 After high school, Brent is planning to attend State Fair Community College and pursue an education and career as an electrician. Brent has played baseball for KHS all four years of his high school career. 🎓 Brent's favorite teachers are Mr. Crotty and Mrs. Sisk. 🎓 Brent's favorite memory is making a 15 point comeback against Drexel with the baseball team and hitting his first over the fence home run that same night Good luck, Brent! We are so proud of you.
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Brent Mitchell
Yesterday was Jersey Day for our ABC countdown!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Jersey Day
Jersey Day
We are excited to invite you to the Kingsville Community Forum on Youth Substance Use tonight at 6:00pm at the Kingsville Baptist Church. This event will feature a great line-up of panelists, including law enforcement officials, a brave mother who tragically lost her son to a drug overdose, and a peer specialist who will share her personal experience. Additionally, representatives from Kingsville school administration and our school nurse will be present to provide support. Valuable resources from Compass Health and Recovery Lighthouse will also be shared during the forum. We believe this event will be informative and impactful, and we hope to see you there to show support for our community's youth.
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
4th grade celebrated ice pop day with a popsicle stick stem challenge!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
👩‍🎓 Congratulations to CheyAnna Small! 👩‍🎓 CheyAnna is planning to attend the University of Central Missouri and study elementary education. CheyAnna played softball and volleyball and was a band member for all four years of high school. She also participated in cheerleading and National Honor Society for three years. CheyAnna's best high school memory was helping with elementary field day - "We went down the water slide what felt like a million times!" Her favorite staff members are Mrs. Jester and Mr. Hanes. We are so proud of you, CheyAnna! Congratulations!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
CheyAnna Small
Please consider adopting one of our Tigers from the Kingsville R-1 School District as we prepare to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week May 6th-10th. Once you have adopted a Tiger, we will send you an email with some of their favorites and then feel free to deliver your gift anytime that week. Thank you in advance! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DADAF22A1F5C61-49213835-adopt
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00pm, Lone Jack will be hosting a sports physical/annual event. This is a great opportunity for students in our districts, especially those who participate in a co-op sport at Lone Jack, to get their physical and annual paperwork done before next school year. If you would like to know the status of your students physical on file, please email Athletic Director, Payton Sheer for that information.
11 months ago, Payton Sheer
Preschoolers working on skill building together!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Preschool tea party!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
tea party
tea party
tea party
tea party
tea party
Tonight is our Spring Sports Senior Night! Softball plays Rich Hill and baseball plays Plaza Heights, both beginning at 4:30pm. The senior night recognition will take place directly after the game. Help us celebrate our seniors as they have just a few games left this spring!
11 months ago, Payton Sheer
We are excited to invite you to the Kingsville Community Forum on Youth Substance Use this Wednesday April 24th at 6:00pm at the Kingsville Baptist Church. This event will feature a great line-up of panelists, including law enforcement officials, a brave mother who tragically lost her son to a drug overdose, and a peer specialist who will share her personal experience. Additionally, representatives from Kingsville school administration and our school nurse will be present to provide support. Valuable resources from Compass Health and Recovery Lighthouse will also be shared during the forum. We believe this event will be informative and impactful, and we hope to see you there to show support for our community's youth.
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Wednesday April 24th
🐯 ConGRADulations to Harlee Rusche! 🐯 Harlee plans to make good money and enjoy life in his future. During his time at KHS, Harlee was an active athlete participating in basketball and baseball. Harlee also participated in National Honor Society and won the 2023 Homecoming King. 👨‍🎓Favorite Teachers - Mr. Hanes and Mr. Crotty 👨‍🎓 Best Memory - Helping with Elementary Field Day and playing on the water slide to kick off my senior year Way to go, Harlee! We are so excited for your future!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Harlee Rusche
Please consider adopting one of our Tigers from the Kingsville R-1 School District as we prepare to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week May 6th-10th. Once you have adopted a Tiger, we will send you an email with some of their favorites and then feel free to deliver your gift anytime that week. Thank you in advance! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DADAF22A1F5C61-49213835-adopt
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Teacher Appreciation Week
PAT playgroup today!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Summer School 2024 enrollment forms were sent home earlier this week and additional copies are in the front office. We are very excited for our newest adventure. Please return the permission slip by Thursday May 16th if you'd like your child to join us. Feel free to reach out to Amanda Schoenherr aschoenherr@kingsville.k12.mo.us if you have any questions. Thank you!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
We hope to see you there!
11 months ago, Payton Sheer
Congratulations to our Kingsville Elementary School Spelling Bee winners this morning!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
We were honored to present 62 students with MAP/EOC awards today!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
🎓 ConGRADulations to Miss Macie Evelyn Barker! 🎓 Macie is planning to attend UMKC and become a pediatric nurse practitioner. Macie's ultimate goal is to help people! Macie played volleyball all four years of high school, softball, basketball, student council for three years, and was in NHS her sophomore year. "My favorite teacher would be Mrs. Windle. She has been my saving grace these last 6 years that I have known her. She has taught me the most about life. And no matter how sad I was, she could always make me laugh. Mrs. Windle has helped me with everything and anything that I have ever needed." ❤️Best Memory - The crazy conversations and laughs we all had in World History ❤️I want to... own lots of animals Wishing a huge congratulations to Macie! We wish you the best!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary
Macie Barker
Kindergarten carried out a tradition at Kaleidoscope and Hallmark Cards Visitors center yesterday. We came home with crowns, flags (that most of our students decided to make American flags), and many other art projects. We got to make our own present bow, got to hold an Emmy, and found a picture of Abraham Lincoln. We had a great day and earned compliments from other schools! Way to go, kindergarten! We are so proud of you and your Tigers spirit!
11 months ago, Kingsville Elementary