We hope that you have a wonderful break. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Today, November 17th will be a 2 Route Day for our afternoon bus riders. Parents please expect a delay of up to 20 minutes on your regular afternoon drop off times. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you would like to make a transportation change for today please notify the school as soon as possible.
about 2 years ago, Jay Fleeman
Please turn in your Santa Workshop forms by Friday. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Our teachers will attend a professional development session with our very own early childhood expert, Kerry Connell, on preschool curriculum and Project Construct on Friday afternoon. We are looking forward to it!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Our teachers have now completed epilepsy and seizure training. Keeping our kids safe is our #1 priority!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
For American Education Week, tomorrow is CITRUSLY COOL DAY- Feel free to wear your coolest HAT while we celebrate our awesome teachers with their favorite snacks!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
If you are not receiving our messages, please know that we are working on it. Thanks for your patience!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Fire Prevention lessons today!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Booster club has opened the Tiger gear store back up until Friday 11/18/2022. Grab your Tiger gear here before it's too late! https://www.storessimple.com/midwestlogowear/18283
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
For American Education Week, tomorrow is Easy Peasy Morning: PAJAMA DAY! We will also be celebrating all of our support staff. Thanks for everything that you do to "support" us!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Pancakes with Parents was a huge success! We were so busy that we didn't get any pictures. Happy Tuesday!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Kingsville School Hall of Honor will induct the high school softball teams from 1981, 1982 and 1983 into the Hall of Honor on December 9. Al West and Grace Gard will also be inducted that evening. All members of the teams listed below (Please let us know if someone was missed!) are encouraged to attend. Attendees please plan to meet in the Kingsville school multi at 4:30 pm on December 9. The induction ceremony will begin at 5. There will be light refreshments served. Following the ceremony, please plan to attend the varsity basketball games. Inductees will be recognized during the basketball games. Please share this message so that everyone can be informed. Thanks! 1. Shelly Brown 2. Gerilynn Christian 3. Mary Christian 4. Susan Christian 5. Tracy Christian 6. Michelle Connell 7. Missy Cressler 8. Donna Ervin 9. Holly Frizzell 10. Laura Harper 11. Jill Holmes 12. Kim Hunter 13. Kathy Kling 14. Donna Leslie 15. Carrie Martin 16. Kathy McFarland 17. JoEllen Porter 18. Lori Sexton 19. Tina Shull 20. Tammy Spiwak 21. Teresa Sullins 22. Lori Truelove 23. Amy VanMeter 24. Linda Ward
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
For American Education Week, tomorrow is dress like your favorite fruit! Please come join us for Pancakes with Parents in the morning at 7:30.
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
In the event of inclement weather- we will post SNOW DAY or AMI DAY (Alternative Methods of Instruction) on Facebook, Twitter, Apptegy's Live feed, and our text message system through Apptegy. Our text messaging system is derived from SIS. Please make sure that the school has your most up to date cell phone number(s). We will also contact local news stations. If you have any questions feel free to contact Rachel Wallace at rwallace@kingsville.k12.mo.us or Amanda Schoenherr at aschoenherr@kingsville.k12.mo.us. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Booster club has opened the Tiger gear store back up until 11/18/2022. Grab your Tiger gear here! https://www.storessimple.com/midwestlogowear/18283
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Today's Veterans' Day celebration was very successful. Thank you to all of our service men and women for their dedication to our country and keeping us safe!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Next week is American Education Week! We will kick off the week on Monday November 14th with SQUEEZE THE DAY. Dress like your dream job for the students and lemon desserts for the teachers!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Please don't forget that we have a week long Thanksgiving Break this year. We will be out of school Monday November 21st through Friday November 25th. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Our elementary fire prevention day will be on Tuesday November 15th!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary
Monday November 14th is the fall sports banquet at 7:00. Please come join us as we celebrate our athletes!
about 2 years ago, Kingsville Elementary