Our Twitter handle is @kingsville_1

If your child is eating breakfast at school, please help them arrive at 7:30. Thanks!

Kingsville R-1 now has a Twitter account!

Our app can now be downloaded to Android. Thanks for your patience! https://bit.ly/3Tr5Jio

Free Haircuts are coming! September 14th...... be on the lookout for a flyer coming home soon!

Interstate studios will be here on Wednesday, September 21 for pictures. This will be K-12 and pictures for the Senior composite.

The Jostens rep will be here on Thursday, September 1st for pre ring ordering information and pre Senior announcement ordering information.

The High School and junior high cheerleaders are sponsoring a Mini Cheer Clinic for grades pre K-6th. There will be two scheduled practices and then they will be cheering at the December 9th basketball game. It is a $30 cost for tee shirts, bows, practice sessions and then entry to the ball game. There are sign up forms in the office.

The Booster Club is selling Spirit Wear...Tee Shirts, Hoodies, joggers. Stop by the office for an order form and get your Red Rush on!

UCM is offering a Future Teachers Academy on October 4th for Middle and High School students interested in becoming an educator. There will be speakers, workshops, and more aspiring educators. If you are 7-12 and interested in this event see Mrs. Cederquist to get signed up and more information.

The Book Fair is coming September 9-16.....YAY!

Parents should now be able to access SIS Parent Portal through our KingsvilleR1 app.

Please don't forget that our preschool is not in session on Fridays. See you Monday!

Please don't forget that we dismiss at 1:15 on Fridays. Thanks!

We apologize for our app confusion. It is ready for Apple- but we are still waiting for google to approve the trademark form for Android. We will keep you updated!

Please don't forget that we dismiss at 1:15 on Fridays.

We have an app! KingsvilleR1

Please don't forget that we dismiss at 1:15 on Fridays. Thank you for supporting us and our efforts to become better teachers!

Good morning,
My name is Amanda Schoenherr, and I am Kingsville Elementary's new principal. This is my 14th year in Kingsville, but my first year in this exciting new role.
A few reminders as the school year gets going:
- Dismissal will run slow the first few days/weeks. We want to make sure we are being diligent and getting each student home correctly. Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions regarding the parent pick up line or bus routes, feel free to give us a call.
- If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's classroom specifically, be sure to contact the classroom teacher first. Any additional questions or concerns can be fielded by administration.
- Here are some direct contacts for different areas:
Volunteering- Kathy Mallinson kmallinson@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Free and Reduced Lunch forms- Anita Hunter ahunter@kingville.k12.mo.us
Transportation- Julie Stout jstout@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Technology- Angie Nichols anichols@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Elementary- Amanda Schoenherr aschoenherr@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Secondary- Rachel Wallace rwallace@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Special Education- Rachel Wallace rwallace@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Enrollment- Karlie Cederquist kcederquist@kingsville.k12.mo.us
Thanks everyone! I hope that your children enjoyed the first day of school!

21-22 graduates- we have your yearbooks! 🥰